The reality of life begins when you realize the need to have a reasonable future either by your present actions or your approach towards life.
There are multitudes who if they had known they were sailing to the wrong place would have had a rethink.The funny thing about life is that it keeps pushing you to where you want to go. It doesn't push you towards that place you really need to be. At first it feels like a tour, but with time you realize that you've been merry-going round.
When journeying through life, there three main things to be considered and prioritized. The first is
As humans, it is of utmost importance that we realized our core values, evaluate them and strengthen them. knowing your core values implies having a set-goal for the future. A future without a plan is as tasteless as a soup without salt. Of what benefit is it to live in an insipid future? A future where all you do is keep hoping for better days.
Gone are the days when we keep wishing for great deals. You and I know that for you a achieve a goal, you must work for it.
The second core thing is
The English dictionary describes VISION as "the ability to think about the future with imagination or wisdom." In essence, everyone irrespective of tribe, race, nationality, status, educational qualification etc. have the inherent ability, freedom and right to build and live in a desired future. Question is "why do some people achieve their goals in life while others never get to achieve theirs till they drop dead?" Answer is "those who achieve their desired goals in life are either those who were able to imagine how they wanted their future to be, acted towards their imagination and never gave up their goals even when it seemed as though the whole world was crashing on their head. Or those who saw the need to bequeath a legacy behind.
When the heart conceives an idea and the brain rationalizes an agreement is then reached by both parties, that's when you either decide to carry out a plan or leave it. True success is born from trying to render a selfless service.
The third core thing in life is
When you know your MISSION in life and you have a VISION, you must as well have a target audience for whatever value you are rendering. know your capability and know who you want to reach or affect.