For you to know where you're going, you must at least have a description of where you're going so that you'll have a ready pose for any detour you come across.
Some people think trouble,pain,challenges and so on come their way, but in the actual sense, it is we that come across these uncertainties in our quest for fulfillment and greatness. These are places yoU must walk through on our way to the top, your destination, they don't come to you-you actually pass through them. Avoidance of these places is avoidance of the truth. It means indulging in fantasy and merry-going round.
Those you see at the top today had a similar case as yours. They passed through what you've passed through, what you're passing through, and what you'll still pass through. Only that you have an advantage over them, an advantage of doing it better than them because you have the opportunity of learning from them. But for this to be possible. You must follow their precepts, and learn from their mistakes. If you're able to avert a mistake each one of them made in the same field as you, say ten of these people, what does that tell you? Doesn't that automatically imply that you have an edge over them, because the disaster they didn't see coming, some of which contributed to their retarded success, you are able to see and avert them, hereby expediting your success. Read about people who have made it to the top in your field. Learn from them. Acquaint yourself with their principles, lifestyle, mistakes and greatest achievement. These are the basic tools you need.
There is no way you'll in to the battle field with a good weapon and not conquer, except you doubt the quality of your weapon, then it becomes a onerous task to use it. How can you believe in the potency of a drug which you yourself have refused to administer to yourself? The enemy seeing that you lack the knowledge with which to row your boat immediately begins to menace you with pestilence like low self-esteem, poor self-image, foolishness in the guise of humility, disbelief in oneself and potentials, mediocrity, and disguised hopelessness. Then you begin to see yourself as a no-good. But if you're harmed with good weapon, and as well understand the technique with which to use the weapon, victory abound.
The greatest weapon ever is the brain. From there emanates ideas, which is quickly transmitted to the waves of your mind. Then your level of attention-your alignment with such idea determines the rest.
To begin with, what is that thing your heart has been yearning to do but your mind tells you you can't achieve? That thing you're very certain that you're competent enough to do, yet you lack the zeal to step forth in faith?
Doubt makes you see the trouble you're most likely to encounter if you ever try. It doesn't tell or show you the success you're also most likely to achieve if you try. In essence, doubt hides the truth from you and implores the highest form of deception whenever you're close to actualizing your goals, because it's quite aware that if you realized that the merits of trying is far greater than that of not trying, you'll spur to action and your destiny be fulfilled in no time. How tricky and deceptive doubt is. If only you'd let it drop, the rest's be history.
You're a king in disguise. Remove that cloak of faithlessness and put on the sparkling garment of authority and faith. Stop hoping. Some hopes never come to pass, but when you step out in faith, and do that, which you fear most, chances are that you'll do the unexpected and achieve your desired result. After all, the scriptures says, that He gave man dominion over everything that He created Gen 1: 28. The spirit of God is in every human being. Of course He made us in His own image and likeness, and them He breathed His spirit into us. God's spirit is not a spirit of timidity. His spirit is a spirit of boldness. His spirit is not a spirit of fear, but a spirit of courage. It's not a spirit of laziness and immobility. It's a spirit of action,a spirit that can never be compensated.
Wake up to your true self. Stop swimming in the ocean of fantasy. Wake up to reality. Exercise your faith in Him. You don't need to beg. You need to authorize! You're a king!
You need to have a clear understanding of what you really need. You need to acquaint yourself with the map of the path you intend threading, so that you'll know how to avoid the detours that might pose a threat on your journey to the top.
Let your heart, not your mind influence your direction. Your mind is sentimental, but your heart believes and knows you can do it. Go for it. You're a success. You can do it. Step out in faith and do it.
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