Thursday, March 28, 2013


Here are some guidelines to help you achieve anything you desire in your business

¤You Must Be Able To Imagine
Fundamentally, imagination takes place, or occurs owing to man's desire to improve his current status. In other words, imagination is born out of the zeal and the desire to grow.

With imagination, anything is possible in the business arena. When you give room to imagination, you're endorsing your ability to improvise, recreate, grow, and the innate ability to solve unseen problems.

It is only through imagination that anything is possible in the business world. That is why you need to take some time off work, sit by yourself and think out solutions to unseen challenges. Be a solution seeker. When you become a solution seeker, you will realize that anything anything is possible in the business world. And when you're a solution seeker, you automatically become a problem solver. The reason is because solution easily navigate their way to those who seek them. That is another reason that anything is possible with imagination.

When fear becomes dominant in the mind of an entrepreneur, the door of imagination is shut, and failure gains advantage. Imagination cannot play in the mind of a fearful entrepreneur, because he refuses to see the big picture, and when it finally gains entrance, his mind neither comprehend nor accept the fact that he is a champion and can readily who with and through imagination, because he doesn't believe that anything is possible.

Success does not come to those who do not believe in it

¤Believe in success

The genesis of success is belief. Unless you believe, you may not get what you want. Funny enough, some folks say 'seeing is believing.' But emphatic NO! You don't believe in what you already see or know. You can only believe in what you don't know yet. That is why you can say you believe in your future, or in the future of some other folk, why? Because you have a conviction even thoug you are not acquainted with the future.

One good way to be abreast with the future is by imagining what you expect from the future, because with imagination, anything is possible. Imagination is the middle-man between you and the future. It acts as a correspondence.

Imagination is a critical analyses ofthe past you never had, and the future you desire. Then what? Anything is possible with imagination. You can create the future you desire, because anything is possible with imagination. Just BELIEVE with your heart, and work towards your desired goal. Don't forget that rubber come to those who believe in it.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is acting in fear

When boldness stands firm, courage gains ground. Then what? You have a clear mind to imagine; to see into the future and make a positive impact in your prese of contact, in the business world.

Only great minds can effectively imagine what an average mind cannot think. Only bold minds can think beyond the norms of a natural process of thinking.

For you to excel in life, you must be courageous, and know, not just believe, but know that anything is possible with imagination.

Yesterday's imagination is what we see as today's reality. Yet see? Anything is possible

Now, we shall take a critical look at Henry Ford when gen he was about to intent the V8 engine.

When the renowned Henry Ford thought of inventing the V8 engine, he gathered professionals, graduates, and experts of different calibre. He made his proposal known. But it sounded like a child's normal dream of excelling in life, and of course along the line, some start losing right of their big dreams because they now know such dreams were unrealizable.

Henry Ford's dream was like that, which an adult heard a child say, and smiled at the child's courage.

The so-called professionals, graduates, and experts kicked against this noble and innocent dream. They said it was unrealizeable.

Because Henry Ford was uneducated, at least not formerly, one would think he would yield to the professional advice of the so-called experts, but he knew there was power in imagination, that it is the strongest nation, which resides in the heart of man. Then, Henry Ford said 'I am looking for a lot of men with an infinite knowledge of not knowing what cannot be done.' He fired all the experts he had hired for the realization of the V8 engine.

Few years later, Henry Ford introduced the V8 engine, and hitherto, the V8 engine is in use.


when the human mind resists mental freedom and psychological liberty, he will continually remain under tribute. That's why only great minds excel, because they know that anything is possible with imagination.

Many have been made to believe that hard-work is the key to success. But that is not true. Imagination is the key to true success and fulfilment. No one works with it and fails.

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